The Warsaw Biblical Gardens provides a beautiful and unique setting for your wedding. We allow ceremony only. Reception must be held at another location.
A donation of $100 reserves the gardens for a minimum of two hours and $50 for each additional hour if needed. Arrangements and payment must be made in advance so a staff member can be present during the event. The Party will be responsible for removing all trash and recycling from their event. There are no garbage cans available. The gardens are to be left in the same condition at the conclusion of the reservation period as they were at the start. Should a cancellation occur, the Warsaw Biblical Gardens (574-267-6218) should be notified as early as possible.
There are no rain shelters or restroom facilities. The Warsaw Biblical Gardens cannot be responsible for weather or weather-related preparation. It is your responsibility to arrange in advance for a “rain location”. (The Warsaw Parks Department is often booked up a full year in advance for the use of the Center Lake Pavilion.) In the event of rain, your donation will be returned.
No equipment, such as chairs, table, etc. will be available from the Warsaw Biblical Gardens. If chairs, tables, etc. are brought in, they must be placed on dry solid ground and not in flower beds. Existing furniture must remain in place. Tents are not permitted. No alcohol or smoking is allowed.
Please be aware that not all denominations encourage weddings outside of a church building. Please check with your pastor, priest, or rabbi.
During the hours for which you choose to contract, a member of the Warsaw Biblical Gardens staff will be on hand to try to insure minimal disruption from others enjoying the gardens.
To reserve your wedding date call 574-267-6218